Sunday, March 31, 2013

[Singles Review] March Singles Highlight: Namie Amuro, KyaryPamyuPamyu

Big Boys Cry / Beautiful

Namie Amuro does what she wants, does what she likes, and still does it better than ayumi hamasaki. Force PINK KEY from PLAY to have sex with WoWa from Queen of Hip-Pop and have its resultant child go to Disneyland and what you'll get is Big Boys Cry. This is some good shit, and I will be more than happy for Namie to go back to her hip-pop sound anytime even if it's just a little bit. And that climax? Make them big boys CRRRRRRAAAAAA AH AAAAAAAAAI!!! Your fave can never, especially if your fave is ayumi hamasaki. Beautiful is exactly as it is - Beautiful. ebibabi spend tanai feering like a stranjur. ebibabi wurs to know hao tu be strowngur. Putting the Engrish aside, and the fact that Namie isn't a vocal powerhouse therefore making this song beyond her calibre, it's actually fucking amazing. I would have never expected Beautiful to sound like this after hearing the snippet in that ESPRIQUE CM last year. Is no suppliiiiies, is no suppliiiiiiies... istu! Browing in da win! I will be playing this single till the end of time tbh.


Ninjari Ban Ban

I don't mean to compare KyaryPamyuPamyu with Perfume (ok maybe I do) but Ninjari Ban Ban shits explosive diarrhea ALL over Mirai no Shitseum. I'm not gonna lie. This is cutesy done right, so there is a huge pile of shit that needs to get together here. Tbh I almost wish this song was given to Perfume instead. Unite Unite is average and very lukewarm which I'm not a huge fan of. Minna no Uta is just meh. KPP has been a hit or miss for me since Moshi Moshi Harajuku but she does have occasional gems like Tsukema Tsukeru and Furisodeshon. Other than that her music to me makes me can't help but feel like it's Nakata Yasukata's inner 5-year-old girl at play which is highly disturbing.


1 comment:

  1. Browin' in da wind LMAO

    I love that Namie single, it was only 1000 yen so it was worth it. I still don't get it why many people are hating on her recent singles, i've been digging them all.


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